
Tuesday, July 27, 2010

#152 Carpet Squares Area Rug

This was quick and easy and makes a big impact in a room. A friend tipped me off that our local Lowe's was selling carpet samples for 25 cents a piece and I knew exactly what I wanted to do with them and we filled up our shopping car buying carpet samples to make these area rugs for three rooms. The ones featured above are in my daughter's room and in our room. I still have one to make for the basement family room area and that one will be about the same size as the one for my daughter's room.

What I first did was lay all the pieces out right side up and assemble them into a pattern I was pleased with. Then turned them over and began taping.

First I taped a small "+" where each 4 pieces met (you can't see that under the tapes over the seams). Then I alternated taping the horizontal seams with vertical seams so that they would overlap each other. Finally, I placed a short piece of tape over each end of tape to help keep it secure. I pressed the tape firmly before flipping. I was able to flip the smaller rug by myself, but the larger rug I needed help flipping since it was so long.

We already owned the duct tape and I went through about 2/3 of a roll doing these two rugs. I spent $3.75 (plus tax) on the smaller rug (4.25'x5.63') and $6 (plus tax) on the larger rug (4.25'x9).

My daughter is very pleased with her rug and very proud of it. She helped pick out all the pieces for her rug.

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