
Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Grow Your Own Sprouts

I don't know why I don't grow sprouts more than once or twice a year. It's so simple and save your money at the grocery store. Usually the cost of sprouts is about $1.99 if you want organic sprouts or $1.49 if you want conventionally grown sprouts, but I pay about 50-cents for the amount of organic seeds it would take to equal the amount in one of these containers in the store. Plus, you need to add in the cost of a new nylon (Wal-Mart sells knee-his in an egg container for 33-cents a pair, so I pick up one of those, and usually get 2 batches out of each one which makes it cost about 9 cents per batch for supplies.)

The only other supplies you need is a quart jar & lid, which if you already own then it's free, and some water.

It take a week to grow your sprouts, but if you really like sprouts you could get another jar going a few days after you start your first one.

What I love about growing my own sprouts, besides the fact that is helps ease a vegetable gardening itch during mid-winter, is that my kids can watch the seeds grow and become amazed at how fast they grow and change.

If you would like, you can check out my post last year on Growing Sprouts, and check out the storyboard I made 2 years ago that shows earlier stages of the sprouts growing.

Finally, this is the website I used to learn how to grow my sprouts. It gives easy instructions with lots of pictures. Start today and in a week you could be enjoying your own home-grown sprouts!

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