
Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Recovering a Freecycle Children's Chair

This post isn't going to be a tutorial, I just wanted to show the children's chair I obtained from Freecycle that I recovered. I removed fabric and recovered this 4-5 months ago and had intended to post a nice little tutorial, but I was just too buy this summer. Now as you can see, 4-5 months later, my children have used & stained the chair.

This fabric was purchased to cover the entire chair, but after examining it closer I realized that only the fabric in the arms and seat were torn & worn. So to save myself  A LOT of time and have fabric to use for other projects, I only replaced the arms and seat. Plus the blue fabric matched nicely with the blue in the car print and added a bit more overall vibrant color to the piece of furniture.

So, with that leftover fabric I have used it as backing to a (cheater-panel) Thomas the Train quilt I made for my son for his birthday, a pillowcase, puppet theater curtains (to be featured later on Northern Cheapskate), and a book sling (yet to be made, but a tutorial will be coming). There is just a small section of the blue fabric left and I am sure I will come up with something to use it for.

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