
Saturday, November 12, 2011

Recyclebank: Earn 25 Points from Kashi Video

I have blogged about signing up for Recyclebank before. It is free to do! And even if you can't earn point for recycling in your community (wish I could!) you can still earn points by taking short quizzes after learning more about recycling or buying products made with recycled materials & entering in the code.

So what do you get? FREE COUPONS for Products, Stores & Restaurants.

The lowest points for free coupon I saw is 20 points for a $1 off Dagoba Chocolate Bar, which if you watch sale ads at your Natural Foods Store could score you a FREE or cheap candy bar. For 100 points you can get a FREE Cone or Fruit & Maple Oatmeal from McDonalds. Or keep saving your points to get free $10 giftcards (although you need a lot, so the other coupons & free McDs food is a better deal.) Plus they have featured deals for a discounted amount of points (right now there is a $2 off coupon for any Kashi food discounted to 75 points from 125.)

There is a new short video with a short quiz about the Turn Off the Tap and Save. It is worth 25 points!

Also you can:
Pledge to use your Travel Mug (5 points)
Enter a Code from your Kashi Cereal Box (50 points)
Take an Aveeno Pledge (10-25 points)
Lifecycle of the Cereal Box (25 points)
Explore the Benefits of Hybrid Water Heaters (25 points) (plus get a $200 rebate from Sears or Lowe's)
Pledge to Switch from Bottled Water (25 points)
Learn About Composting (25 points)
Sigh Up for Earth911 (5 points)
Sign Up for Uncommon Goods Newsletter (5 points)
Enter code from Ziploc Bags (7-12 points)
Paper Pilot (25 points)
Sign Up  ThredUP (10-25 points)

So, if you haven't yet. SIGN UP FOR RECYCLEBANK! The way I look at it, just by doing the short videos/quizzes/pledges you will earn 180 points, another 20 points for signing up for 3 websites. That's 200 points and gets you a free ice cream cone & free Fruit & Maple Oatmeal at McDonald's. And if you have kids, like I do, you are probably going there for playland anyways. Plus there is always the opportunities if you buy Kashi & Ziploc products, recycle and many more quizzes that they will continue to add.

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