
Friday, December 30, 2011

Review: Skillet Bacon Jam

When I was considering whether or not I wanted to review Skillet Bacon Jam, I didn't think too long and hard because I could hear my husband in my head saying "What's there to think about? It's bacon." He thought that was pretty funny when I told him.

I received a a small container of the Skillet Original Flavor Bacon Spread.  What I love about it is that the ingredients are all things we can pronounce and that they obtained many of them locally. The ingredients in this spread are: cured bacon, onion, balsamic vinegar, brown sugar, salt and black pepper. That's it. There are no dyes listed or weirdly pronounced preservative. It is all food we know what it looks like and can pronounce it.
We first tried this on some homemade bread, but just a small slather because we could tell after opening it that the flavor might be quite strong, and it is. The flavor is so strong on it's own that we thought it would probably taste best with other flavors and so we dipped it in out ham and bean soup we were eating and ate the bread slathered with bacon spread and soaked in soup juices and the flavor was not as strong.

I do want to add that the flavor is that of a smoked bacon, so if you don't like the flavor of smoked things you might want to contact the company before purchasing to inquire if all of the spread have the smoked flavor.

The next way we tried it was to use it to fry eggs in. I grew up a country farm girl and we often ate eggs that were fried in bacon drippings and it was delicious. So, I thought I would try this with the spread. I sprayed my pan with cooking spray first (because I wasn't exactly sure there was much fat int he spread and I didn't want my eggs to stick) and then scooped out about 1/2 tsp. of the spread and let it melt in the pan before I fried my eggs in it. It gave the eggs a subtle smoked bacon flavor that I have not had in a long time.

Their website is full of recipes to try with the bacon spread. I think the next one I want to try is the bacon jam vinaigrette.

For inquiries about their products, please email or check out their website, Skillet Street Food.

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

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