
Monday, February 27, 2012

GIVEAWAY and Review: Mighty Macs

I was recently give the opportunity to review the movie The Mighty Macs with my family and I also have ONE COPY TO GIVEAWAY! The movie was just released to DVD on February 21st, less than a week ago!

We watched this as a family and it is a perfect family movie. There is no questionable content of any kind and it made me feel good about watching it with my young children. My daughter has just become interested in watching family movies with people (rather than animated characters) in them and this was a great choice. She said she liked it and is interested in watching it again and again.

Don't forget to Like Might Macs on Facebook and Follow Might Macs on Twitter!

About the Movie:

It's 1971. Cathy Rush is a woman ahead of her time ... and she's about to embark on an adventure for the ages. A new era is dawning in the country and in collegiate athletics, where a national champion will be crowned for the first time in women's basketball.
In the lead up to this historical season, major universities are preparing their game plans to win that first title. Meanwhile a tiny all-women's Catholic college in Philadelphia has a more modest goal: find a coach before the season begins. Providentially, Cathy Rush is about to find Immaculata College.
Recently married, Cathy is dealing with the aftermath of a truncated playing career. While cultural norms would have her staying at home, she's willing to do the hard work necessary to help her new team reach their goals—or perhaps she's just trying to achieve her unfulfilled dreams through them.
From the beginning, her challenges are as imposing as the big-school teams Immaculata will face on the court. Cathy learns there is no gymnasium on campus, she receives little support from the school's Mother Superior, and the school is in dire financial straits. To top it off, she may not even have enough players to field a team!
While it appears the Macs don't have a prayer, all hope is not lost. With the help of Sister Sunday—a spunky assistant coach—and the support of a booster club of elderly nuns, Coach Rush creates a new game plan that just might bring the team—and the school—together.
Will this pioneer buck cultural norms and spur her rag-tag team to unexpected heights? Or will her hard-driving ways create a wedge between the coach and everyone around her? One thing's for certain: there's never been anyone like Cathy Rush at Immaculata!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
“Disclosure of Material Connection: I received one or more of the products or services mentioned above for free in the hope that I would mention it on my blog. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

The above post does contain an Amazon affiliate link.


  1. I love sports movies especially when they start as an under dog

  2. I have really been wanting to see this! I love seeing movies about strong women!

  3. I've been wanting to see this movie as well. Good review too btw!

  4. Looks like a great one see! Thanks for the giveaway! :)

  5. I like that it is family friendly.

  6. I like that this movie takes place in 1971. I grew up then and it would really take me back. Thanks for this chance.

  7. I like that it is an inspirational family friendly movie

  8. I appreciate family movies, especially ones that I can send home with my mother!

  9. I like the grabbed my attention

  10. A good family movie and a change from the totally kid movie themes.

    (Entered rafflecopter with hotmail version of address.)

  11. family friendly, and the underdogs win
    robinlscott4 at hotmail dot com

  12. It looks like a good family movie that we all could watch

  13. This looks like one our family would enjoy. I like movies based on real life, and we enjoy some sports movies.

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  14. I am a huge college basketball fan...and I used to live not far from Immaculata I would LOVE to see this movie!


    vadebby at cox dot net

  15. I was drawn by the fact you said there is no questionable content in the movie. Having an 8 year old this is very important to us when picking out family movies.

  16. I like family movies where the underdog comes out from under.

    pjames330 at aol dot com

  17. looks like a good family movie.

  18. I can relate to the conflict of cultural norms to stay at home and wanting to work and feel fulfilled

  19. I would love to win this because it sounds like an inspirational movie!

  20. I like sports movies

  21. I like rooting for the underdog in a movie!

    allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

  22. I like that it's a positive movie about women's basketball.

  23. I like that it is family friendly.

  24. I like that it is appropriate to watch with the entire family.

    lovemuffin_em (at) hotmail (dot) com

  25. I like that David Boreanaz is in it. ;)

  26. I like that this movie is an inspirational movie to watch with my family.


  27. It's a family friendly movie that shows that sometimes the one's that are thought to be the weaker ones, can overcome so called disadvantages and come out on top!

  28. I have never seen this movie, but look forward to watching it with my family.

  29. It looks like a nice movie to watch with my family.
