
Wednesday, February 29, 2012

GIVEAWAY & Review: Celtic Woman Signed CD and Signed DVD

I had the opportunity to review the Celtic Woman Believe CD and the Celtic Woman: Believe Live DVD. My daughter loved watching the DVD and seeing these beautiful woman in their beautiful gowns singing these beautiful songs (ok, so maybe beautiful is my word, I believe she said "pretty".) Many of the songs on the DVD and CD are ones that most people would be familiar with like "Ave Maria", "Bridge Over Troubled Water" and "You'll Never Walk Alone". And there were also many that were unfamiliar to me. I especially liked listening to "A Tribute to Broadway", which brought up memories of when my husband and I saw Les Miserables (it's been so many years that I almost forgot.) "A Tribute to Broadway" is one of four extra songs that appear in the DVD and not on the CD. I do have to admit that this was my first exposure to Celtic Woman and I did enjoy listening to it.

I would love for you to preview the song Teir Abhaile Riu and tell me what you think! A preview of the DVD Believe Live is available here. Are you already a Celtic Woman fan or do you think you might become one? Or maybe you know someone who already is a Celtic Woman fan! Then be sure to enter the giveaway below. I have 2 prizes for 2 winner. One winner will receive a signed copy of the CD and another winner will receive a signed copy of the DVD. 

Want to see Celtic Woman Live? All of their Tour Dates are listed here! Their Believe North American Tour kicked off at the beginning of this month in Nashville and continues through the end of April in Las Vegas. They will be in concert in St. Paul, MN at the Xcel Energy Center on April 1st & tickets are already on sale!

Readers in both the US and Canada are eligible to enter.

I was gifted with a promotional copy of the CD and DVD in order to preview it and write my review. I did not receive monetary compensation. All views, opinions expressed and photos used are my own.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I've been wanting this for awhile and have entered different contest and never win! Crossing my fingers!! jeffmarias2001(at)yahoo

  2. I love their music and I love watching them! So I vote for me!

  3. I would like to win this for me and my husband we both like this kind of music

    pattifritz2000 at yahoo dot com

  4. I would like to win this for myself. Thanks for the chance!

  5. I would like to win this for myself, but I promise to share :) lol

  6. I would win it for my self

  7. I'd love to win this for myself.

  8. I would like to win this for myself.

  9. I would like to win this for myself.

  10. JR Pickett (Vicki Vix)March 5, 2012 at 1:44 AM

    Definitely not for myself. It's for my Mum. She's always watching them on PBS. Thanks for the giveaway.
    fromfurrin at gmail dot com

  11. I would like to win this for myself.

    pjames330 at aol dot com

  12. I would love to win this for myself so that I could play it at my St Patricks day Party!!!


  13. I'd like to win it for my mother in lawa

    aniwilsonintx at hotmail dot com

  14. I'd like to win it for our family!

    allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

  15. I would love to win it for my in-laws! They enjoy Celtic Woman.

  16. It is 100% for ME! :)

    bringhamsweeps (at) yahoo *dot* com
