
Friday, February 17, 2012

Review: Ghirardelli Squares (Milk & Truffle)

The timing on this review was perfect. In my mailbox on Valentine's Day was a full-size sample of Ghirardelli Squares in the Milk & Truffle variety.

The other varieties of Ghirardelli squares include: Milk Caramel, Dark, Mint, Raspberry, Twilight Delight and Luxe Milk Squares. I have also had them in Peanut Butter, but I wonder if that was a seasonal item or if maybe they rotate flavors a bit.

These were so tasty. I (not-so) willing shared them with my family. My son would take nibbles and savor each morsel. I wish I could do that. I think I ate three squares before he had even finished half of his. I guess that means there was more for me! I thought the smooth truffle layer in the middle was just heavenly.

I was given the chance to review and sample this product from I was not compensated for this post. All views and opinions expressed are my own. All photos are my own.

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