
Sunday, April 8, 2012

Avatar Choices

 I make be crafty but I don't have very good drawing skills and I REALLY wanted an avatar for my blog. I am not really sure I am sold on any of these 3 choices.

I went to and ordered drawings from 3 different people in hopes I would get what I was looking for. I didn't think it would be so hard to be happy with other people's visions of my vision.

I am thinking of doing it one more time in hopes I get what I am looking for.

What are your thoughts on these?
Somehow I would like a combination of the top two, the bottom one is my least favorite. I just got the bottom one today.

There is so many people to commission to do drawings on that site that it can be a little overwhelming (and time consuming) to look through them all.

There are some places that you can doing a manga avatar creation using the website for free, maybe I will have to check those out.

I do like having the blog name written on the picture much better than without it.
I was a little annoyed they didn't color the shirt green on this last one like I specified, which I think would have brightened up the picture because I think it is too washed out.

Well, here is one I was working on:

I don't like that it is so pixelated (is that a word) when you make it bigger.

I made this one, it looks better as a smaller image. I am happiest with this one. Guess I will continue to mess around with making my own.


  1. I like the super hero one. If you could incorporate the blog name, it would be even better.

  2. I like the superhero one as well but the one you picked is cute too.
