
Tuesday, April 3, 2012

GIVEAWAY and Review: Copy-Kids DVD

 Do you have a child who is a picky eater when it comes to fruits and vegetables?

Or maybe you are introducing a new fruit or vegetable to your child and you want them to try it and like it with more ease.

The DVD Copy-Kids is segmented into 12 short videos of 12 individual fruits and vegetables that include: peppers, carrots, raspberries, broccoli, bananas, strawberries, tomatoes, cucumber, oranges, avocado, apples, and blueberries.

There is also an extra section that features a questions and answer session for parents about ideal nutrition for kids and how to utilize modeling behavior to encourage healthy eating habits. There is also one other section of funny kids outtakes. 

The entire video is 115 minutes long, with each individual video being about 6-8 minutes long.

My kids are generally good fruit and vegetable eaters. I don't think they haven't met a fruit that they don't like. Although, I think it helps immensely that my husband model good eating habits for them.

I thought I would try out watching this DVD and then feeding my son come avocado. I have to admit I have not offered this often to my children and I am not sure why.

He was very interested in watching the kids on TV. He kept repeating "avocado" over and over as he watched this segment. Then for lunch I gave him a slice of toast topped with mashed avocado and some melted mozzarella cheese. He gobbled it up! I guess I should think about serving avocado more often to him.

Copy-Kids is a DVD series designed to get very young children excited about eating fruits and vegetables.  Simple.  Adorable.  It features kids having such a good time eating fruits and veggies, that when children watch it they want to join in. Featuring well-known pediatrician, Dr. Jay Gordon, this product is a positive approach in the quest to get children eating healthy from the start.

And don't forget to check out the Copy-Kids DVD Trailer!!! You can also find additional video on their YouTube channel.

Copy-Kids DVD Trailer from Copy-Kids on Vimeo.

a Rafflecopter giveaway I was gifted with a copy of this DVD with hopes that I would review it on my blog. All opinions, thoughts and pictures are my own. No monetary compensation was received in exchange for this review.


  1. I would like to have it available to lend out to parents.

  2. My 2 yr old! She is currently boycotting veggies.

  3. my 2 year old who is a very picky eater

  4. My sister could use it for my nephew, my kids eat a lot of fruits and vegetables

  5. i'd like to show to my niece
