
Monday, April 2, 2012

Make-It Monday: The Best Royal Icing

Royal Icing
2 eggs whites
4 C powdered sugar
1/4 tsp. almond extract

Directions: Beat egg whites until stiff peaks form. Add sugar and extract and beat until smooth. If icing is too thick, add 1/4 tsp. milk and beat. If it continues to be stiff add 1/4 tsp. at a time until it is your desired consistency. Do not add more than this at a time because it can quickly become runny.

I love to use pure almond extract in my baking & frosting. It adds a flavor that I find very pleasing. (No, this post is not sponsored in any way, I just really like it.)

I have never really done any cake decorating, so my stars are not uniform or neatly placed, but I have made it a goal to work on my cake decorating skills this year, so stay tuned for more posts related to cake decorating and a special post on Northern Cheapskate in June when I share my attempts at cake decorating with fondant.

I do find that Royal Icing works really well to attach items to fondant and is perfect for making a gingerbread house. It dries quickly, stays stiff while working with it, and hardens.


  1. They're stars, they don't need to be perfect. Mine never are. It's how the total effect comes together when you're done. So far, from what I see, it looks great!

  2. I've always wanted to know how to make "stiff" icing...thanks so much!
