
Tuesday, May 22, 2012

GIVEAWAY & Review: Storyland Yoga DVD

My Thoughts:

We have had Storyland Yoga for about a year now, so when I found out about the opportunity to tell my readers about it and offer a giveaway to you, I had to jump at the chance. We have tried out several other kids yoga dvds, as well as Storyland Yoga and we really enjoy Storyland Yoga. What we like best about it is:

  • They are learning lifelong habits of stretching through yoga poses.
  • They are entertained by the story.
  • They are able to remember how to perform the poses by referencing the "animal" names.
  • It is something we can do together and yoga is not just "mommy's thing".
  • Access to this dvd is great when the weather is not conducive to playing outside.
  • It is easy to follow along with and moves at a comfortable pace.
  • You have the choice of 2 programs to do, as well as some not to be missed special features.

My daughter's physical education teacher has been teaching them yoga stretches as a way of conditioning their body and helping them calm their bodies as a part of his curriculum. This teaching in the school really helped solidify to her that this is valuable and not just a tv show. We'll continue to use this dvd through the summer months when the weather is not cooperative for outdoor play or just to keep up go yoga stretching habits.

Some More Info:

Winner of Parent’s Choice Approved, Mom’s Choice Gold,Dr. Toy’s Best Green Product and Creative Child Magazine “Preferred Choice”in the Environmentally Friendly Category.

Storyland Yoga is a fun-filled adventure that infuses children with an eco-conscious message. Two unique stories, “Save the Whale” and “Condor Trek” engage a child’s imagination through storytelling. Kid’s learn yoga postures by becoming part of the story and imitating animals. Yoga is great exercise and helps to calm children giving them greater focus and increased clarity. Storyland Yoga is equally fun for parents and family members who can benefit from yoga, while enjoying ‘organic time’ with their children.

General Information:
Ages 3 – 8
Condor Trek Run Time: 23:18
Save the Whale Run Time: 18:30
Produced by Playful Planet:
‘Empowering Kids and Their Families to Be Healthy and Live Sustainably.’
100% Recycled Packaging

There are a couple options if you are interested in buying this kid yoga DVD. You can purchase the full DVD from their site, you can download each of the yoga programs individually on your computer (so you pay a cheaper price to download them & save yourself some green) or purchase it from Amazon: Storyland Yoga: Yoga for Kids and Families (ages 3 to 8).

a Rafflecopter giveaway
This blog post does contain an affiliate link which is at no expense to the reader. I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.


  1. my kids also reviewed this dvd they had fun doing it. Feel free to add your giveaway to our hop

  2. no I have never tried yoga with my kids - but I'd love to!

  3. I have and they love it! My three year old insists that it is called Yogurt!

  4. I have not tried yoga with my children.

    allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

  5. We have never done yoga together, we have exercised, but no yoga

  6. my daughter and i have not tried yoga..but she is a very active child and im sure would love to try this!! thanx for the chance..

  7. I have with my 9 year old daughter & she loved it :)

  8. I have not tried yoga with my daughter, but I think she'd love it!

  9. I haven't tried to do Yoga with them, but they often try to get in on the act with me while I am doing yoga myself. I think they'd love this video. I've been looking for a good kid yoga video, so thanks for sharing!

  10. We do yoga at home, and loved to see what the Storyland Yoga DVD is all about. Thanks for the giveaway opportunity.

    yogawithgaileee at gmailith dottish com

  11. today,the usual spot is not working..

  12. I have never tried it but have 4 little granddaughters who would love it

  13. we go to a yoga class at the community center on tuesdays and she loves it

  14. Yes! I did it with my 3 year old niece and my preschool class, and it is so stinking cute and fun!

  15. I do the yoga videos on Netflix and sometimes my kids do it with me. They don't last very long before it turns into wrestling with them, haha. (Two boys.) I'd love a kid geared video!

  16. No, I have never tried yoga at all, much less with my kiddos. ;0) Thanks for the chance!

  17. today

  18. I have never tried yoga with my kids but hope to learn with them with this DVD!

  19. my kids love yoga- its so amazing the things they can do! they'd love to try this one!!

  20. no i haven't tried yoga with my kids but I'm sure my daughter would love it, we used to do the slimn6 together!

  21. I have done yoga with my girls and they liked it.

  22. never tried it!

  23. I have never tried it but would love to

  24. i teach and have used yoga in the classroom when i subbed. now that i have my own classroom, this would be fantastic.

  25. yikes, forgot to leave an email: ldavis1962 at yahoo dot com

  26. I have never tried yoga with my baby. I bet it would be fun!

  27. I've never tried yoga before but I heard its great and would to try it with my daughter

    sibabe64 at ptd dot net
