
Thursday, June 21, 2012

Thrifty Thursday: Pot Up Your Own Flower Pots

If you like to have flowers in pots in a lot of spaces around your home, considering buying a 4-pack or 6-pack and potting up your own pots.

I paid $1.58 for a 6-pack of flowers at Lowe's and re-used pots I already owned and potted them up. So, instead of paying $10+ (I did buy a couple of hanging baskets for my porch, but I waited until I saw a sale price in single digits), you can save yourself a good chunk of cash by just taking a a little time to pot them up yourself.

If you want to save even more money, check to see if they have plants clearanced out. Often plants are still healthy but just need to be de-headed or just need some watering.

1 comment:

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