
Thursday, June 14, 2012

Thrifty Thursday: Use Your Tent for Play with Your Kids

 You don't need to keep your tent packed away until your next camping trip. Put it up in your backyard for your kids to day camp in, or maybe camp out in your backyard for a night.

We often take out our tent a few times a year so the kids can play in it. When we go camping, we tend to stay in structures, like a cabin at a state park or a yurt or this year we are planning to rent an RV to camp in one weekend. The tent from from before-children, so this is pretty much the only action this tent gets, although my daughter & I did camp out in it one night last summer and of course a huge storm came through.

She does want to camp out in it in the backyard one night this summer too. I think I will wait until we need rain and then do it. :)

Kids just love to be inside of things: forts, tents, tunnels. Use what you have and let your kids enjoy themselves. It doesn't cost you anything if you already own it and it's just sitting there.

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