
Wednesday, August 15, 2012 Now Offers $5 Certificates for $2

Do you like to meet a friend for lunch? 

Or do you go out to lunch for work?

Did you ever wish that would sell a certificate for a lower amount, the perfect size for a lunch for one?

Well, now you are in luck! They now sell $5 gift certificates for $2. That is a savings of 60%. 

Check to see which restaurants near you sell these certificates, by quick Searching by Zip Code with their restaurant locator.

I am actually going to get a couple of days kid-free soon because they are going to the grandparents' house, so I might be picking up one of these to have lunch with a friend at the Rose Street Pizzeria. But I also noticed there is one for a bakery, and I think $5 is the perfect amount to use at a bakery to buy a loaf of bread and maybe a couple of sweet treats.

Where would you go with a $5 certificate?

They also still sell other denominations, like $10 certificates, all the way up to $100 certificate. Be sure to read the fine print to know what the minimum amount required to purchase is, if gratuity is added automatically, the days/hours you can use the certificates, or any other fine print details you need to know about.

This post was written with the hope that I will be one of the first 100 bloggers to submit my post and earn a free certificate. I did write it without knowing if I will receive anything for this post and may not receive anything.

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