
Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Honey Boo & Mama June at Scare in the Bear 5K Race

 My fun friend Caitlin & I decided we wanted to run a Halloween race together that was on a Friday night and encouraged dressing up. We're a bit of a sucker for dressing up and theme races (we already are planning on a couple next year that we haven't done before that are a theme-of-sorts.)

Can you tell who we are? We are Honey Boo Boo and Mama June.

I have the tutu, bows on my socks (not pictured), a People's Choice sequined sash from Sparkle & Shine, some Gogo Juice, big pagaent hair (wig) & makeup, some arm ruffles, a tiara. Mama June is wearing forklift foot with the painted toenails on a sock (I seriously can't believe someone did that!), a homemade lightweight fat suit, some jeans, a pageant sweatshirt, a wig with gray roots, toilet paper, coupons, and a tooth gap, oh! and neck crust.

I am Honey Boo Boo. I admit that prior to deciding to dress like this duo, I had never watched the show, but I had seen enough previews to know it would be easy enough to make our costumes and could be quite fun and was certainly current and relevant. I did need to do a little research so I could get in to character and ended up watching 2 hours of an episode, interviews and spoof skits and then another half hour reading about their "quotes".

Fortunately for me (not for my costume), I didn't have enough to grab like she does. I am happy to say that I am grabbing more muscle than fat.

Here we are running to the finish line and passing the person in between us. It was a cold run, but they had Caribou hot cocoa and apple cider at the finish line for us, as well as a bunch of snacks.

The other perk of this race was we had the chance to meet chiropractor James Barr, who owns Barr Chiropractic and Sports Clinic in White Bear Lake. He is certified in Active Release Technique and was performing care on runners who were interested. Caitlin & I were interested and were very happy with how he helped us. But since we live over an hour away from his practice we are unable to continue to get care from him, so I thought I would give him a shout out on my blog in case there are some Twin Cities readers looking for a chiropractor.

He also works with the Minnesota Swarm, which is why I have included the above photo.

The race was put on my Tri Fitness - Well Beyond Limits. (probably not a coincidence that it is in White Bear Lake - get it - WBL - Well Beyond Limits.) Most of their races are in White Bear Lake. If I can, I would like to try out another one of their races, it's the Beat the Freeze Biathalon. Go read about it and just try and tell me that doesn't sound like fun! And possibly also their My First Tri.

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