
Tuesday, November 13, 2012

GIVEAWAY and Review: Monster Time App (3 WINNERS!) & FREE Demo

The timing (pun intended!) for this review was perfect as I had recently had my daughter's teacher conference and she told me that they would be working on learning to tell time and that would be something I could start working with her on to help make the learning easier in school. (I am a firm believer in teaching our own kids in ways that complement what they are learning it school. It does take a village!)

The app is created to allow a child to experience learning time with five different monsters at three different levels and in two different modes (digital and analog.)

I was impressed how quickly my daughter caught on to figuring out how to tell time when we had never done it before. She responded well to earning "monster photos" as an incentive for giving correct answers. We started on the Easy level and I sat alongside her to help coach her through what the terms meant and make sure she was understanding how to move the clock hands. The next day she progressed to working on the Medium Level and is continuing to work at that level a bit to make sure she gets it before moving on to the Hard Level.

The only thing that can be mildly frustrating is making sure you get the clock hands exactly on the time. If you move the hand to the time on the clock and release you finger just slightly too early you will get an incorrect answer, but you can keep trying. It just take a couple times with easy monster ti determine how the arms line up. It is really something you need to play to see what I am talking about, so try out the FREE VERSION in mention below.

My daughter has been very excited every time she gets an answer right and earns her "monster photo". She can 't wait until she has filled her whole "album". I think she has surprised herself with how quickly she is learning how to tell time.

You also have the opportunity to try out Monster Time before using it by checking out Monster Time Free, which allows you to try out one of the five monsters.


'Monster Time' is an educational app designed to teach little monsters how to tell the time in a fun, interactive and rewarding way! 

Ages 4-10. Currently $1.99 USD / Free Lite Version also available

Language support: English, French, Spanish (About to be released), German (Coming Soon)

You can find out more information about the Monster Time App on:


a Rafflecopter giveaway

I was given a promo code for this app for the purpose for reviewing it to my readers. No monetary compensation was received. All thoughts and opinions posted are my own.


  1. I have a 5 (almost 6) year old son. He started kindergarten in August and they are learning a bit about telling time, but many of the clocks he sees are digital. He would be the one using the app and hopefully it would help him understand when it is time for BED :-)!

  2. My son really seems to thrive on ipad app education ;)

  3. My daughter
    Gingeroo616 at AOL dotcom

  4. Isabella is excited to learn to tell time - she would love this.
