
Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Making an Easy Felt Headband Crowns for Operation Christmas Child

I am going to share with you something that I made with my kids for our Operation Christmas Child that was inspired by a link on the OCC pinterest board. We made a total of 4 of these to put in boxes and I made another craft that I will share with you in a later post.

How to Make an Easy Felt Headband Crown

These are super easy and inexpensive and most of all - CUTE!!!

* This step isn't necessary, but if you draw yourself a pattern you can make sure you have cut the felt in a symmetrical way and in the appropriate size. I first drew what I wanted it to look like and when I cut it out I folded it in half before cutting so that my cuts were symmetrical even if my drawings were not.

* Cut out piece of felt.

* Cut notches in the bottom edge, cut in about 1/4". You need to do this in order to have the felt fold over the curve of the headband.

*Glue adornments on felt. I used plastic jewels, decorative pearls, sequins and leftover felt. Be creative with how you decorate your crown.

*Glue headpiece on to the top of the headband with hot glue.

I bought the headbands, felt and plastic jewels all from the Dollar Tree.

The MOPS group to which I belong is assembling shoe boxes for Operation Christmas Child. Our table has decided to pack our box with items for a girl ages 2-4.

Our family is also packing 2 other boxes that we will drop off at the church we attend. This year I am letting each of the kids pick out items for kids their age. Last year I just had my daughter pack a box, but this year I will have both.

There is still time to participate, but time is running out:

Here are some ideas --

*   Find fun craft ideas for shoe box gifts on our Pinterest page.
*   Make your $7 donation online to follow your box and learn the destination country for your shoe box gift.

National Collection Week is November 12-19. Click here to find a drop-off location near you.


  1. Cute! What a great way to involved the kids.

  2. Cute idea! May just have to make some of these for Christmas presents
