
Thursday, November 15, 2012

Thrifty Thursday: Use the Library

The library is a great resource for MANY different things, not just books. I still buy my kids a lot of books, but I rarely by myself a book unless I think I will reference it several times. We often get movies from the library (they do have new releases, but you'll have to wait a while - just get your name on the list, or request a Blu-Ray DVD if you have that kind of player since there are fewer people requesting that type of disc at this time.) Some libraries we have gone to have puzzles and toys that you can check out to bring home.

We also use the online programs that our library offers for free music downloads and online kids storybooks. They also offer free online foreign language classes, but I have not tried these out yet.

And then when you are at the library, you can use their computer and many have a nice kids area with toys to play (think - place to meet for a playdate or to get out of the house), as well as storytime and summer reading programs.

The libraries near me have adult reading programs during the winter months and one does movie showings for adults as well and another offers speaking events and one-night classes.

These are the obvious perks for becoming a library patron, but many have other perks you may not be aware of and are not advertised. So, become friendly with your librarians and they are bound to share what other services they provide. They are wonderful people who want to help you and your family learn.

1 comment:

  1. We love the library but I'm sure I'm not utilizing it as much as I could!
