
Friday, March 22, 2013

Pinterest Foodie

I have been eyeing up this recipe for Lasagna Roll Ups with Spinach and Turkey from Clean Eating Magazine for a long time. I only took so long to make it because I find browning meat to be tedious, which is why I am a big fan of all the Slow Cooker recipes I share with you. I used Parmesan cheese on top instead, thought it gave it more of a punch of flavor over mozzarella.

I was out of a few things to make the original Peanut Butter Rice Krispie Treats from The Idea Room, so I used Cheerios instead, and well I had white chocolate chips instead of butterscotch to use, but I promise the rest was the same. My family RAVED about these and my husband said I need to add it to my list of regulars to make.

This was a Clean Eating Tuna Casserole Recipe that came from I thought it could have used a little more salt and pepper, but other than that it was a tasty recipe that was filling and loaded with tuna and veggies.

1 comment:

  1. I love the recipe ideas and even better you gave me some great ideas on how to make a dish better for you. I love Clean Eating Magazine too.
