
Thursday, April 18, 2013

Review: Spinster Sisters All Natural Soap

If You Make One Change This Earth Week....

Consider Trying out Spinster Sisters Co. Soap Bars!

Have I ever told you that I love Peppermint body products? I am not sure it has ever really come up in a review before, until now that is because I received both peppermint bar soap and lip balm from Spinster Sisters Co. I just find that peppermint just helps wake me up and stimulates my senses and this soap did not disappoint. It was pure luck (on my part) that they decided to send me these particular varieties when they carry around 35 different kinds. The other variety they sent me was Lemongrass Sage. Some of the other scents I would love to try include Cucumber Basil (kinda sounds like a tasty summer salad!), Lime Mint and Rosemary Mint. Did I mention I love mint body products? :) I am quite intrigued by the varieties of Wasabi and Eucalyptus Lime as well.

But it's not just the peppermint that I love about these products. They have truly made a concentrated effort to provide products and run a business in as eco-friendly way as possible. They use raw ingredients that you will recognize on a label that include olive, castor, coconut, palm, jojoba, sweet almond, avocado, hempseed oils, cocoa and fair-trade shea butter. No having to look up how to pronounce any of those ingredients! Or wonder where they were derived from. Plus, they grow many of the herbs and botanicals they grow themselves.

They don't stop with the items used to make their products, they have made eco-friendly efforts with the packaging including bio-degradable and compostable bags on their soaps that are made from wood fibers, lip balm containers that include 35% recycled plastic, and bath soaks and bath bombs are in 100% recycled paper bags. Not only that, but they also have reduced the carbon footprint of their business with a solar photovoltaic system and passive solar construction.

If you are looking to make even one step towards a more eco-friendly lifestyle or looking to add another change to yours, then please check out Spinster Sisters Co. Not only do they have soaps and lip balms, but also bath bombs, bath salts, scrubs, shaving kits, sunscreens, insect repellants, shampoo, deodorant, and more!

You can also find them on Facebook!

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

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