
Monday, June 17, 2013

Spring in Your Step - Children's Claritin Review

Don't let allergies slow down that "Spring" in your step and get outdoors and enjoy it. In MN, this spring allergies have not been too bad (so far) mainly because we still had snow the beginning of May and then we had rain, rain, and MORE rain. Allergies just are not as bad when it rains so much.

But because of all that rain, the mosquitoes are REALLY bad this spring already. My son has an allergy to mosquito bites and he swells up and bruises because of them. I had not actually thought of having him take the Children's Claritin for it until a friend recommended it after I posted pictures of the 3 silver dollar sized bumps (one on his back was the size of a fist) on his chest from 3 mosquito bites. I was amazed that overnight (after taking a dose of Children's Claritin tablets) the swelling was gone in the morning and all that was left was normal sized mosquito bites. I made sure to bring along the tablets with us on our recent vacation to Oregon because I wasn't sure what awaited us there for allergies or insect bites.

We like to spend a lot of time outside, whether it be playing in our yard or at the pool or hiking around a nature center or state park. Many of our activities we also do with friends. We helped keep a "Spring In Our Step" with our friends and met our playgroup at the pool on Tuesday, June 11th. It was so fun to be outside and be active together.

I was given the Children's Claritin samples (for our family) as well as the sinus gel packs (pictured above) for myself and friends as part of the Children's Claritin Mom Crew. All pictures, thoughts and opinions are my own and I did not receive any monetary compensation for this post.

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