
Saturday, August 3, 2013

Sponsored Post: Bubble Gum Princess Book

My daughter was thrilled when she saw that she would be helping me review a new children's book called the Bubblegum Princess by Julie Gribble and published by New York Media Works. As any of us with children know, us liking something is only half the story; it is what our children think of it is the other half. A book needs to make it on a parents list of acceptable books and then the child deems whether it is worthy of reading a story more than once or not. At the time of writing this post, I have already read this book with my daughter three times and I am sure we will continue to read this book.

When I asked her what she thought of the book she told me she liked that it was about that if you just be yourself, good people will like you for who you are. When I asked if there was anything she would change or didn't like, she said she really wish that at the end of the book when Katy was teaching everyone how to blow bubbles that it would give instructions on how to blow bubbles. My daughter so badly wants to learn how to blow bubble gum bubbles and she has learned that books teach you things and was really hoping in the end this would teach her how to blow bubbles. Even though that disappointment was short lived, she continues to like the book for what it is.

As a parent, I appreciated the exposure to more complex words that were used in the text of the story. I think it is very important for children to be exposed to a wide vocabulary of words. I know through some of my parents child classes I have taken with my kids they have said research show a child only needs to hear a word a few times before it becomes part of their own vocabulary and the larger they build their vocabulary by exposure to new words the easier learning to read generally is for them.

I also think that the quirky illustrations by Lori Hanson appealed more to my 7 year old daughter than other books with perfectly proportioned princesses exist. At her age she has moved beyond the cutesy princesses and looking for more complexity in the drawings of books that appeal to her.

You can find out more information about New York Media Works online at:

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers. I received no monetary compensation for this post.


  1. Looks like a fun book to read! Thanks for the review!

  2. I'm always looking for new books for my son. Thanks for the review!

  3. Nice review. The book looks interesting and has a lot of lessons for the kids. Would love to get this for my daughter especially that there is a word "princess" in
