
Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Try It Tuesday: Easy Paper Plate Butterflies

This was such a fun and easy project for my kids to do and for the most part it was an independent project for both my 3 year old and 7 year old. Can you tell which one was made by my son? I will give you a hint, his had to be a monster butterfly with three eyes.

Supplies needed: Colored paper plate, scissors, pencil, googly eyes, pipe cleaners, craft foam, glue and anything to glue on (including glitter glue) to provide decoration.

To start out with, I drew half circles on the back of the paper plate and let the kids cut them out on their own. Kids don't get to use scissors too much so any time they get to practice cutting they are very excited.

I also drew the body of the butterfly on some craft foam and let them cut it out as well.

You can see he is concentrating very hard on cutting out his wings. I chose to use some leftover (from a birthday party, they are the smaller plates you would serve cake on) colored paper plates, but if you only have white plate you could paint them.

Here are both of their creations. Same instructions, but they got to choose from the supplies how they wanted to use them. As my kids get older they like to show off their individuality more and more.

Here are all the supplies I got out for them to choose from that included regular and colored googly eyes, a variety of pipe cleaners, different colors of craft foam, beads, sequins, puffy fabric pieces and glitter glue.

They really had fun with this project and needed very little assistance.


  1. What a fun craft that can help kids with their motor coordination skills. Plus, my kids love any craft that involves using scissors!

  2. This looks like a fun craft! Pinning to try later. :-)

  3. Thanks for sharing this craft! I pinned it and plan on using it for my 3 and 5 year old next week!
