
Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Multi-Blog GIVEAWAY: Boogie Wipes Package & $10 Target GC

I might have mentioned a time or two on here that I am a Saline Ambassador (so, I get free products to review and pass out), or maybe you have been lucky to be the recipient of some of the samples I have to pass out. This quarter our teams are getting in to clinics, daycares, and more and giving them packets of samples to pass out to their clients. I dropped off boxes of Puffs Fresh Faces at two area locations, that you can get samples at if you patronize these businesses. They are:

You can also get a coupon from the Boogie Wipes website for the wipes and Boogie Mist of a $2 off Coupon for Puffs Fresh Faces to be used at Target.

Or you can see me to get some samples of Puffs Fresh Faces, or better yet -  
ENTER TO WIN! a Boogie Wipes and Puffs Fresh Faces Prize Pack that includes:
  • One $10 gift card to Target
  • A full canister of great grape scent Boogie Wipes 90 count 
  • Fresh scented Boogie Wipes package 30 count 
  • 10 individual Puffs fresh faces scented packs with attached coupons 
  • Puffs fresh faces light lavender scent 45 count
  • Puffs fresh faces fragrance free 45 count

The above picture is not of the prize pack, just a picture of some of my products and Boogs, the Boogie Wipes Mascot.

Enter Rafflecopter Form Below for a Chance to WIN!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

No monetary compensation was received for this post. All thoughts, opinions and photographs used in the post are my own.


  1. I have tried boogie wipes and they work great.

  2. This would be for my kids!

  3. I have not had the chance to use either but am excited to try them out!

  4. I'd use them here when the grandkids are visiting.

  5. The prize pack would be for my family!

  6. No, I have not used either product yet, but would like to try them!

  7. For my boys - they have lots of colds in the winter!

  8. I've tried boogie wipes & they work great!

  9. This would be for my daughter. She always gets runny noses and such due to her Seasonal Allergies.

  10. These would definitely be for me !;D

  11. I've used Boogie Wipes with my kiddo and they are SO handy to have!

  12. I would keep the wipes for my twins. I would give the GC to my mom for her bday! Thank you!!!

  13. I havent used the wipes yet, but I have been wanting to! Thanks!

  14. I've never tried Boogie Wipes or the new Puffs fresh faces.

  15. I would use these on my kids!
    Lexijo213 at yahoo dot com

  16. I have never tried boogie wipes but would love to!

  17. My son Tyler, he loves boogie wipes!

  18. Yes we have, all three of my kids love the wipes.

  19. This prize pack would be for my family. They may be handy with a teacher, elementary student, 2 preschoolers and a momma!

  20. The boogie wipes are great for my purse!

  21. My whole family could use these, we have had colds off and on since school started

  22. I have not tried either product, thanks for the chance

  23. These would be for my kids! The GC would be for me : )

    I haven't used these products yet

  24. For my kids and I :) Personally, I just want that cute green "monster!" lol

  25. Boogie wipes, yes and they work so much better when the snot is so bad!

  26. My grandkids one of them always seems to have a runny nose.I think it has a lot to do with day care.

  27. Yes I have they have unique scents that kids really like. Grape is a fav.

  28. This prize pack would be for our family.

  29. It would be for my granddaughters.

  30. I bought them for my daughter once before and they worked great.
