
Friday, November 22, 2013

Fitness Friday: 1000 Burpee Club

Join me & some friends in doing 1000 Burpees by Christmas or New Years!

I joined in on a 1000 Burpee Club that was started by my friend Molly who is the owner of Dynamic Fitness (some Friday soon I will tell you all about Dynamic Fitness and the classes I take there! - she posted about it on the business FB page.) and it is not too late to do your own 1000 Burpees! We started ours last Saturday, so you are a little behind (we are supposed to be done on Christmas) but it will be easy enough to make up or just start now and extend yours you will have done 1000 Burpees by 2014. If you START TODAY you will do 25 Burpees every day through December 31st. How awesome would it be to start 2014 saying you finished 1000 Burpees!

Now, you could approach these burpees in one of two ways. You could do a classic burpee, or do one that incorporates a push-up in it when you are down on the floor so then it's like a bonus move! Now you have 1000 burpees AND 1000 pushups!



  1. I would love to check out yoga! Good luck with your burpees!!

  2. Oh my gosh! I hate burpees, but they are so effective! Good luck with the challenge.

  3. I definitely will start this! I love a good challenge. Thank you for sharing

  4. Good luck with all those burpees! I hate those the MOST! Okay, well I hate planks the most. Burpees second. ;D

  5. The push up in there makes them especially lovely ;)

  6. I should join the challenge!! Never done a burpee....but they sound like fun. I could even have my husband make them with me!


  7. I was thinking it was going to be too hard to catch up on this but when you extend it to all of 2013 it makes it sounds more doable. I don't love burpees but I just may do this...ugh. lol

  8. I was just thinking that I need to start exercising again! This is something that I could do at home

  9. Burpees are difficult but I love the burn I feel after them! Good luck with the challenge. I like the idea of incorporating the push ups as well. :)
