
Friday, November 1, 2013

Fitness Friday: November 30 Day Challenge

I have seen the 30 days challenges floating around there all over the place that target different muscle groups and finally decided that I would try one. This is not to replace any exercise that I do, it is in ADDITION to! I decided my first 30-day challenge will be squats to target by rear. The reason why is that with all the running I have been doing what my body morphs in to is flatness. While a flat stomach is great, a flat butt is not! The more I run, the flatter my butt gets to the point where it looks like my back just continues down in to my legs. As much as I love to sing "Baby Got Back" for karaoke (you should see me some time! I know all the words and get up there and entertain with that one!), I certainly don't have back. So, squats it is to see if I can get a little curve in the booty! Who's With Me?

This squat challenge starts out at 50 squats and increases each day and resting on each 4th day for 30 days so that on day 30 you are doing 250 squats.


  1. OMG - that is so many squats, but by the end of the month my tushie will look fab!

  2. great job! I so need to do this to lose the fat in my thighs and legs - good for you and your motivation - awesome!

  3. That's great! That is a lot of squats! Good luck on your "baby got back!"

  4. Wow, look at those numbers! :) I can only do around 20 squats and my back is really killing me but if you really want a good behind, firm and toned thighs and tushie, then doing this will definitely make that happen. Good luck!

  5. OMG! I think this is something I need to do to get a fab behind!

  6. 250 squats on day 30? waah that's a lot of squats!

  7. I've seen your booty shake!!! Fun challenge!

  8. Ha! Kelly! That's funny. Baby trying to get some back back!
