
Monday, January 13, 2014

Make It Monday: Creamy Butternut Squash Soup

Not all my soup recipes involve the slow cooker and by using cubed frozen butternut squash, you can whip together this tasty soup that might have others thinking you spent all afternoon cooking. This soup will fit nicely in to a clean eating diet and the cottage cheese adds some unexpected protein to this soup.

Creamy Butternut Squash Soup

2 10oz. bags of frozen cubed butternut squash
2 C broth
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1/8 tsp nutmeg
1 tsp sea salt
ground pepper (to taste)
1 C cottage cheese
sliced scallions (to garnish)


  • Combine all ingredients (cottage cheese and scallions) in a 3 quart pot and bring to a boil.
  • Cook for 10 minutes.
  • Stir in cottage cheese and cook for 2 minutes longer.
  • Using a hand blender, puree contents of the pot until smooth.
  • Garnish with sliced scallions if desired.
  • Enjoy!


  1. I love butternut squash and this recipe looks sooo good!

  2. I don't think I've ever had butternut squash, but that recipe looks so good, I am willing to try it!

  3. Squash has never been one of my favorites. It looks delicious, and I like that you use cinnamon and nutmeg, I might just have to try this! Thanks for the recipe!

  4. Love butternut squash but only had it mashed or roasted. This looks delicious!

    Michelle F.

  5. I would have never guessed cottage cheese! YUM!

  6. I will have to try this! I was just talking to someone about how I wanted some butternut squash soup, perfect timing!

  7. I love butternut squash soup! The cottage cheese definitely surprised. I'm really curious how this tastes. I'm just going to have to make it, I guess! =D

  8. That looks so pinterestic! Thanks for sharing :)

  9. This looks great. I do like butternut squash soup. Thank you for sharing your version!

  10. Perfect for the cold weather! Thanks for sharing the recipe! :)

  11. I absolutely love butternut squash soup, but I never made it. It sounds delicious :)

  12. This looks beautiful. Very eye catching.

    Since my husband went dairy free, I don't make soup. I'm not a fan of broth ones too much.

  13. where were you the other day when i was trying to decide on how to use our squash? i ended up roasting it, but will try this recipe for next week (with a few paleo modifications)

  14. I love squash soup and will have to try this one out on my family. Thank you for sharing.
