
Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Try It Tuesday: Hand Print Fish Painting

This was a Christmas present that my son made for his daddy to have to hang in the cabin. I painted the background on a 8x10 canvas and let him do the rest.

He started out by painting his hand (I let him pick out the colors of everything since this was his craft project and gift he was giving.)

Then he painted on a gold hook and then some brown sand/dirt on the bottom, and finally painted on a pink worm. When it was dry he glued on a pink googly eye (his choice.)


  1. I love this idea for my toddler. I have a canvas, on which we traced his hand at a year old, that we plan to continue to trace his hand and have a growth record, of sorts.

    What I like about this is that it's LITERALLY a hands-on activity that he can enjoy doing, and we can enjoy as a lasting piece of artwork afterwards. No need to worry about he paper getting crumpled or moving as he creates!

  2. So easy and so adorable! I don't usually like to get out the paints until we can do them outside, but we might need to do this. Everyone is getting a bit stir crazy in this cold weather!

  3. How cute! I'm going to do something like this with my son, and we can mail it to his Daddy (he's away for a few months). We're about to get snowed in, so this might be a good craft to do!

  4. My toddler would love this craft! He likes getting messy :)

  5. What an excellent idea -- and a great gift for daddy!

    When my daughter was little, she HATED getting anything on her hands so we don't have handprint crafts from her toddler years. This is something I'm sure you'll cherish!

  6. Oh my goodness, this is so darn cute! :) And he looks so, so happy!

  7. Handmade gifts from kids are always the best! They put so much thought and love into them :). I love when my boys make me something and they get that proud look on their face when I open it!!

  8. So cute! My son has done something similar in his art class at school. :)

  9. I love this craft. it's great for kids and who doesn't love to get a handmade craft from them!

  10. I love doing crafts with my little M-- this seems easy enough to try with her and plus she loves to get messy with paint

  11. I love this idea! My mother and father in law are both big fishers so this will make a great gift for the near future! I can't wait to try it with my kids!!!

  12. I'm super behind on your posts! I love this :) That looks like a good project for Friday!
