
Friday, February 7, 2014

Fitness Friday: Modeling Behavior

No, I'm not talking about the catwalk. I am far from that and am not about the critique anyone who is. What I am talking about is the modeling behavior that children do. They often love to emulate the behavior of those around them, especially those that they look up to and physical fitness values can be among the things they emulate.

My kids often hear me say I am going to a fitness class or they are in the childcare when I am taking the class or they see me after I come home from a run, but sometimes I forget to include them in working out with me.

Sometimes they will just go grab a yoga mat when they see me doing a video at home and join in, but I need to ask them to. They might like the feeling of being included in my exercise. But I also notice that when I use our home gym, if I distract them from a screen they are using they will come downstairs with me and exercise on some other piece of equipment while I run on the treadmill. They don't usually stay the whole time, but usually about half. They like the encouraging words I tell them as I run and they like using the equipment (they are young, so they are not allowed to use any of it yet without supervision.

I invite everyone to invite your child to come model your physical fitness behavior. Start instilling values about keeping a healthy body by showing them how.


  1. This is adorable :)! Canada is actually running a campaign to try to get Canadians outdoors more with their families. I think this is an easy way that you involved your children in physical activities you do daily. Great idea!

  2. This is true, if you will let your kids see how you workout or what are your routines for fitness they will be encourage to stay fit at their young age- remember that whatever a child sees on his childhood will be a memory for him and also a foundation of they growing up - your child seems to enjoy being on a fitness session .

  3. My oldest always works out with me... Well okay I use a video and I do the exercises and he picks which one he likes and does that one over and over again lol He tries though and to be honest me giggling at him makes my workout go so much faster!

  4. When I was doing the Nike Kinetic game at home, the girls would wake up and join me. It was a lot of fun. I need to get started again!

  5. I love working out with my 5 year old son. He tries to do the Turbo Fire videos with me. It is hilarious. He gets in the way a bit, but he makes it so fun I don't care.

  6. So True! They're always watching and this is a great time to have them model after you

  7. Remember: Do as I do not as I say.
    Monkey see monkey do - in a good way.

    slehan at juno dot com
