Monday, February 10, 2014

GIVEAWAY and Review: Dial Vitamin Boost Body Wash

I had the opportunity to review Dial Vitamin Boost Body Wash with my family. I have t. o admit I didn't know what Vitamin B did for the exterior of skin until I was asked to do this review. Normally I take B vitamins in supplement form to help with energy, but I did learn that vitamin B is a natural humectant that helps draw in moisture and keep skin hydrated. This body is also lotion infused so it will feel good on your skin and is not drying. It looks like these new Vitamin Infused Body Washes are so new that are are not even on the Dial website yet, so you might now see them there if you are looking for them.

Here you can see a picture of the body wash in my hand. It is a very vibrant green! Yes, the colors do come from added dyes. I was surprised to see several juices listed on the ingredients list including mango and kiwi (both of which were listed with their scientific name as well as common name) and averrhoa carambola juice, which it did not list the common name for, maybe because it isn't that common in grocery stores yet. Anyways, it is starfruit!

 Check out all the other scents of Dial Body Wash there are!! There is also a Men's Line and a Kids' Line. If you have a Hello Kitty fan in your family you are certainly going to want to check out their kids's products.


a Rafflecopter giveaway

The Dial brand provisded me with a sample of Dial Vitamin Boost Body Wash in exchange for a product review. However, all opinios expressed here and pictures are my own. No monetary compensation was received.


Aduke Schulist said...

I'm wondering what these smell like! I entered!

Unknown said...

I love the yogurt vanilla honey Dial! That has been a favorite of mine for years!

Jamie said...

Lavendar & Twilight Jasmine for me - YUM!!

Yona Williams said...

I have not had a chance to try the Coconut Water yet, and I really want to. Email: yona(at)

freshsamanthaaa said...

Tangerine and guava sounds like a nice scent to wake up with.

Unknown said...

Oh I love Dial Products

latanya t said...

the kiwi

Lisa said...

The Coconut Water Sounds Good Thanks For The Giveaway!

Christy Garrett @ Uplifting Families said...

I would love to try the coconut water. I love the smell of coconut. ;)

Anonymous said...

I'm most interested in Triple Moisture Shea, Jojoba & Mango Butter Ultra Moisturizing Body Wash.

Ascending Butterfly said...

The Himalayan Pink Salt and & Exfoliating Beads caught my eye! I love using Himalayn Pink Salt in my kitchen and bath anyway, so now this saves me from buying two products! :-)

Tracy @ Ascending Butterfly

krystal said...

coconut is always a favorite

Unknown said...

I really want to try the Lavender and Twilight Jasmine.

Debbie Jean said...

lavender! I love that smell!

Peachy @ The Peach Kitchen said...

What a nice giveaway! Is this open worldwide?

Family Travels on a Budget said...

Not original, but the coconut sounds best to me, too! Especially when I'm trapped at home by ice and longing for a sunny, warm tropical beach. :)

akronugurl said...

i wanna try the Lavendar & Twilight Jasmine

Unknown said...

That looks like it smells refreshing. Love a fruity smell.

Heidi Reads... said...

Tangerine and guava!

D Cheatle said...

I'd like to try the Triple Moisture body wash. My skin is so freaking dry!

ReviewsSheRote said...

Such great scents--my hubby was excited about the men's line!!

Lexie Lane said...

My husband seems to like the way Dial soaps smell. So I always get it for him. I've never heard of the Vitamin Boost though. I'll definitely need to check that out.

Elena said...

I want to try the yogurt vanilla honey one

Unknown said...

The coconut water one sounds great.

Courtnie said...

I'd like to try Spring Water.

Lisa said...

Definitely Tangerine!!

Anonymous said...

I am interested in Lavender and Twilight Jasmine

pattifritz2000 at yahoo dot com
thank you

Andrea said...

I like the Himalayan Pink Salt & Water Lily scent.

Melissa Storms said...

I think I would most like to try the lavender & twilight jasmine body wash the most.

JC said...

I would like mountain fresh

arress said...

I would love to smell the Dial Vitamin Boost. My dry skin could really use it!

johnnyp said...

I would like to try the coconut water

DShope said...

I would like to try the lavender scent. I always find that relaxing.

Unknown said...

I really love to try the Lavender & Twilight Jasmine.. love the smell of Lavender

Unknown said...

I think I would like the Coconut Water.

Allison Downes said...

I am interested in the Coconut Water scent. Thanks for the chance to win this.

Gayle S said...

The Skin Therapy Himalayan Pink Salt & Water Lily Replenishing Body Wash sounds delicious.

Sky Evans said...

I want the kiwi.

Unknown said...

I'd love to try the Coconut Water!

Crystal K. said...

I'm interested in the Yogurt
Vanilla Honey one.

June L said...

I want to try the amazing b kiwi scent. It should go well with my shampoo.

steve weber said...

the vanilla honey yogurt scented.