
Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Try It Tuesday: 10 FUN and EASY Valentine Crafts for Kids

1) This is a classic Valentine craft for preschoolers where you take a toilet paper tube bend it so that it is pointed at the bottom and goes in the center at the top and then let them dip in paint and make prints on a piece of paper. We chose light pink paint on red paper.
2) This was so much fun. My daughter decided to paint her hands in glue and then sprinkle with glitter, whereas my son used paint to make his hand prints.

3) This is another easy one. All you need is a coffee filter, some children's markers and a spray bottle of water. Just cut out a heart from a round coffee filter. Then have the child color as much or as little as they want. They can scribble all they want. The more color you get on there, the better it will spread. When finished, just spray down with water (I did it on top of a plastic placemat, so the colors would not get on other things) and let it dry.

 4) The raspberries stuffed with white chocolate chips are a fun and easy snack for kids to make.

5) Try out these Red Velvet Whoopie Pies from What's Cooking with Ruthie.
 6) Use a paper doiley and paint over it on a piece of construction paper and remove to see the design it has left. Simple & fun!

7) Take care of 2 February Holidays in one craft and make a Heart Groundhog out of 1 large heart (head) and 2 small hearts (nose and mouth), a couple of ears, some googly eyes and some drawn on whiskers.

8) A Valentine Candle Holder can be a quick and easy present to have a child make a parent. Simply decoupage strips of tissue paper on to a baby food jar (great re-use idea!) and be sure to add a final layer of glue on top. Tie it with a ribbon or some yarn and insert a candle. We still have ours and get it out to reuse every year.
 9) Give your child a special and fun message by making them a Puzzle Valentine. I just glued some paper heart doilies on to construction paper and wrote a message on it. Then cut out your pieces and laminate it by putting it between sheets of clear contact paper.
10) My final idea is one of my more popular pinned posts is this Egg Carton Valentine made by reusing egg cartons as art supplies. Paint the bottom of an egg carton then trim after it has dried. Simply glue down trimmed egg carton pieces and glue on to construction paper in the shape of a heart. Paint over the top of all the egg carton pieces and the white spaces in between to have a filled in heart.

What kind of fun Valentine Art Projects will you do with your kids?


  1. So cute!! I let the kids make their own Valentines, although they usually only make one or two before they get bored!

  2. The kids looks like they surely enjoy the activities.

  3. I love that heart shaped groundhog. Such a cute idea. Thanks for sharing all these ideas!

  4. These all look like a lot of fun! I'm not sure what I'm going to do with my youngest! My oldest does stuff in school :)

  5. My kids love crafts, we will definitely try some of these

  6. Love the valentine crafts. So much fun.

  7. the woopie pies look like something my kids would LOVE =D

  8. Love those whoopie pies and the white chips in the raspberries is genius.

    Michelle F.

  9. Such a cute ideas! I might have to borrow few for this weekend :)

  10. Love this round-up! I love the smiling faces too :)

  11. Great list! I love the spray bottle idea! THanks for linking up with Time for Mom last week! I added this to our time for mom superstars board on Pinterest! :)
