
Monday, March 10, 2014

Make It Monday: Banana Walnut Oatmeal

Making Old Fashioned oatmeal on the stove top is relatively quick and very easy, plus it is very healthy for you. You don't need all the sugar that comes in instant packets, plus you are missing out on some more fiber that comes with old fashioned rolled oats than is in instant oats. Old Fashioned oats can also be cooked in the microwave, but you can just as easily make a whole pot of oatmeal for your family of four in the same time it takes to microwave 4 bowls.

Banana Walnut Oatmeal serves 2
1 C old fashioned oatmeal
2 C water
1 banana, sliced
1 T chopped walnuts
sea salt, to taste (optional)


  • Put water, banana and walnuts in a pot and bring to a boil
  • Add oats and salt and simmer for 5 minutes
  • Remove from heat and allow to set for 1-2 minutes
  • Sprinkle top with cinnamon
  • Enjoy!


  1. Mm, this sounds good. I've been making a lot of overnight oats. I bet I could adapt this recipe for that!

  2. I myself can't eat walnuts, but my wife loves them. Will have to show her this post!

  3. I don't like just any oatmeal but this looks quite good! And breakfast healthy.

  4. My youngest LOVES bananas! I bet he would love this for breakfast! Or even brunch :)

  5. That looks so yummy! We are going to have to try that.

  6. This looks great. I love oatmeal and am always looking for ways to change it up a bit

  7. I never thought about using sea salt in a banana walnut oatmeal recipe. I am curious about this.

  8. Looks delicious and similar to how I make my oatmeal. I love Meegs comment to turn it into overnight oats, I will have to try that.

  9. I love oatmeal. I hardly ever put walnuts in it though

  10. That looks so good. Just need to buy the bananas and I am making this.

    Michelle F.

  11. This goes well with my diet. :)

  12. We eat a lot of oatmeal in the morning!! Thanks for sharing.

  13. Okay...this seriously looks and sounds delicious! I can't wait to try it. What's the difference between old fashioned oats and quick oats?

  14. This looks delicious!
    I have been getting into eating oatmeal more. I love anything with banana but I wonder if this would taste good with almonds instead.

    Thanks for sharing!

  15. I have been trying to eat healthier so I am on the lookout for new recipes... thank you!
