
Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Review: Transformers Rescue Bots - Heroes on the Scene

My Thoughts

This was a no-brainer that TRANSFORMERS RESCUE BOTS: Heroes on the Scene was going to be a huge hit with my 4 year old son. This DVD includes 5 episodes ( The Lost Bell,  You’ve Been Squilshed,  Little White Lies,  Shake Up, and  Rescue Boy) which has a run time of 110 total minutes. Of course I was right that he was going to love this DVD and immediately asked to watch it and for some popcorn to eat with his "movie". Even though this consists of 5 episodes, he thinks anything that comes in a case like this is a movie, which is great when you don't have time for a long movie. He couldn't wait to show my husband the movie we were watching because he loves that he can share Transformers with his dad since these were a favorite of my husband's when he was growing up.

This movie was JUST RELEASED YESTERDAY, Mach 18th! So, you can be one of the first to own it!

About Transformers Rescue Bots: Heroes on the Scene from Shout Factory

TRANSFORMERS RESCUE BOTS: Heroes on the Scene, produced by Hasbro Studios, will be released on DVD March 18th, 2014 by Shout! Factory Kids. Featuring five exciting episodes that the whole family can enjoy, this DVD is priced to own with a suggested retail price of $14.93.
In this collection, the Rescue Bots go undercover to protect the quiet little town of Griffin Rock from the green ooze known as the Squilsh, recover treasure stolen by pirates and help Griffin Rock recover from an earthquake! Along with their human friends, the Burns family, the RESCUE BOTS help keep people safe, and along the way they learn what it really means to be a hero!

I was sent this DVD for the purpose of reviewing it on this blog.No monetary compensation was received, All thoughts opinions and pictures belong to me.


  1. My daughter really likes Transformers too!

  2. How neat - it's crazy how something that was popular when I was younger is still around!! ha/ha

  3. I remember the days when I was always trying to find Transformers for my son, who loved them! Fond memories!

  4. Ohhhh, I'll have to go pick this up for my little dude. Just got Frozen for his sister!

  5. I bet all 3 of my kids would love transformers. I didn't realize they still made these! I might have to buy a copy for my husband! lol

  6. My son would love this! Probably my daughter, too! Lol!

  7. That looks like a really cool movie for the kids.

    Michelle F.

  8. Sounds like a fun show, I know my kiddo would love it!! I think my hubby would too, it would bring back some childhood memories!

  9. Eventhough I have a little girl, I think it'll be a hit on her.
