
Thursday, March 6, 2014

Thrifty Thursday: Recycled Frog Puppet

Sometimes you can create the neatest art project out of your recycling bin, which equals FREE art supplies.

This frog puppet was created using baby food jar lids and a sour cream lid, both of which were painted green. We re-used art supplies with the googly eyes and large popsicle stick and cut out a tongue from some leftover pink construction paper.

We put it all together with hot glue (with mom controlling the glue gun and supervising construction.)

What can you create out of your recycling bin?


  1. Aww how cute! My 3 year old nephew loves ot explore all kinds of materials so I save all kinds of random things! As a blogger I get a lot of packages and I always save him the tissue paper and ribbons from those - i also keep tubes from paper towel and paper plates - he finds all kinds of adventurous ways to create with the stuff.

  2. Really an ART and because you used different recycled materials it is also cheap or almost free, nice work and great idea.

  3. I love this idea! Very simple and appealing, especially for younger children.

  4. how cute! My little one is three and makes such cute crafts at daycare - I think I need to step up my game and make some cute stuff like this with him

  5. Too cute. These are my favorite types of crafts.

  6. How cute, and I love that it's made out of stuff that might otherwise get pitched!

  7. I love upcycling. I do alot of silly crafts with our formula containers!

  8. Ha! Great idea, I would have never though of doing this!

  9. Love that you are using supplies from your recycling bin which means you are reusing these items which is much better. This is a cute idea-I like your froggie puppet.
