
Thursday, April 10, 2014

Thrifty Thursday: Sharing Seeds and Using Past "Use By" Date

This is what I am doing today!! Sharing seeds with a friend. By planting seeds indoors I get a jump start on my garden and can pick out varieties that normally are not available as seedlings.Sure, a packet of seeds might cost me about the same as buying a 4 pack of flowers or vegetables, so I am not really saving any money until the next year. I know that seeds have an "Use By" date on them but that is for the seed company so that they can guarantee their viability of their seeds to a certain time. The viability may go down after that date, but you can still try planting them. In fact, I started some tomato seeds last month that I bought 4 years ago. So, next year I will save money by not having to buy as many seeds. Although, I like to take my kids to pick out seeds and they pick out a few new things we are going to try. Check out some of the fun things are are trying out this year.

Also, I like to have a planting playdate or playgroup (or do it with one of my kids' classes) so that I can encourage others to garden and so I share my seeds with them and hope they will be providing their families with fresh food in a few months and hope to create a positive experience for them that they will want to garden more in the future.


  1. This is one thing that we strive to do each year. Very rare that we can't re-grow seeds from the year before. It is such a fulfilling task for the kids to preserve their work from the year before.

  2. I need to do this! I need to get my garden started as well!

  3. Unfortunately I live in an apartment with no balcony so can not grow my own anything although I think I would enjoy doing it! There is just something about eating something you have grown by yourself that can't be beat.

  4. So nice that you are sharing with others and encouraging them.

  5. I also had a different kinds of seeds stored on my drawer and whenever I look or see them I always tell myself "I am gonna plant you soon" but until now they are sleeping on their pouch.

  6. You have motivated me to get to plantain'! lol I love fresh tomatoes and veggies! Thanks for sharing!

  7. My problem with this is that I save them but then forget I did:)

  8. My son wants to grow carrots this year. We will plant them in a container and he will water them. Living in the desert, it takes too much water to grow a full garden as we dont get much rain

  9. My kids really want to start a garden, and I think we may actually try this year!

  10. I wish we had a yard we can garden in but we live in the city so that's not an option.

    Michelle F.

  11. I love gardening and sharing my love of digging in the soil with my grandchildren. I too plant seeds beyond the use by date. Nothing lost if they don't come up but more often than not at least 50% of them arise to the call of nature.

  12. Sharing seeds with friends is great idea!

  13. My husband and I were just talking about this today. We are going to do it! First I have to show him your post though.

  14. seed sharing is fun! we do that in our family and also with plants. I have a bunch of plants from my Grandmother's house.
