
Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Review: Natural Revolution Pet Urine Stain Finder

Disclosure: I got this product as part of an advertorial.

My Thoughts:

I was thrilled to now have the Natural Revolution Pet Urine Stain Finder to use and review. I wish I didn't have pet urine to find, but this is a WAY better way to find it than sniffing. As an owner of 2 old cats (by old I mean, 14 and 12 years old), we have had our fair share of cat urine spots over the years. One time it was because a cat needed medical attention because it had crystals in it's kidneys, other times it is because they are old and can't respond fast enough, and other times it is because one cat is a jerk and pees on stuff to let us know he is upset (we did give him kitty prozac for a while and it works, but he still is a jerk when we take a vacation - old cats are set in their ways).


Of course, you are probably going to be disgusted when you do see what all lights up. It actually kind of makes me want to tear out the carpet in the room they have plagued with stains, but I will wait until we no longer have cats or are moving to do that. They are old and bound to do it still as they age. But I am happy I don't have to go sniffing things anymore to find where the smell is coming from. It works best if it is dark in the room, but you can still see stuff show up even during the day as long as there is not direct light on the area. Nothing smells worse than when you find the pet urine stain by sniffing. NO MORE SNIFFING NEEDED!!!

Product Description from Natural Revolution:

It works by reacting with certain chemicals in urine that fluoresce under ultra violet light. The stains will make your carpet light up like a christmas tree and you'll wish you had found this flashlight years ago.

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.


  1. oh if they had that years ago when my brother had a dog.... :D

  2. As a landlord I can see were this would be really useful for checking my rentals when it's time to have the carpets cleaned before new renters come in.

    What a neat product!

  3. Our oliver has an issue with crystals last year, switching brands of wet food seems to have helped thankfully. We couldn't get mad at him for accidents because we knew it hurt, and it took a while for the medicine and rx food to break up the crystals.

  4. If we ever get pets I think I will invest in one of these.

  5. Yikes! You could use with humans too LOL

  6. Your cat that's a jerk and pees on things to let you know he's upset makes me laugh. My cat Sophie does the same thing! It's usually because her water bowl becomes empty that she gets angry and pees in it.

  7. I need this with my dog now. He is old and I swear may leak and it grosses me out.

  8. This is a cool tool. I dont have pets though but if I did this would be handy

  9. This is super cool! I had no idea it even existed, so thanks for sharing!

  10. This seems like something good to have if you have pets. I will have to let my friends with pets know about this.
