
Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Review: Number One Nutrition Probiotic Supplement

Disclosure: I got this product as part of an advertorial. 

My Thoughts:

I need to share a disclaimer that I do not know a lot about probiotics and do not have a medical degree, so I am by no means a professional. I am a blogger and am going to share my thoughts on this products and tell you what I think and how I am using it. I have been reading a lot lately about he benefits of probiotics and how they are helpful in regulating your GI tracts and helping with a variety of ailments.

Recently we have been using Number One Nutrition Probiotic Supplements for Women, Men and Children. You can certainly read more about their description and benefits on the Amazon page. A couple of the ailments I have been most interested in learning how probiotics will help with is eczema, since my kids get it in the winter, and skin warts which my daughter has some on her legs (not a plantars wart.) Warts are a systemtic issue and I have read some information about how people have helped rid themselves of warts by taking probiotics. Now, we haven't been using them for very long so I will help to let you know later how effective they were. What I can tell you is that they are easy enough for myself and my 8 year old to swallow. They also claim it helps accelerate fat loss, which I would be pleased with too.

We do store them in the fridge, which is what is recommended to help keep the active cultures as long as possible. Probiotics have been getting a lot of positive attention as of late, so I am excited to see how it helps us. I did read that it was also helpful for those with acne, but I am not plagued with that so I can't speak to that, but this could be helpful to teens and their parents who are looking for a natural alternative.

Product Description from Number One Nutrition

Being healthy and happy about your body is a matter of choice.

What are probiotics? Probiotics are good bacteria who perform a very important role in our digestive, methabolic and immune systems. They produce enzymes that break down the food we eat, regulate vitamins intake and convert sugars to the essential nutrients our bodies need.

Our GI is home to 80% of our immune system! That´s why it is so important to take a good Probiotic Supplement!

This is how the Number One Probiotic may help you:
- Drastically improve your digestive health.
- Balance your intestinal flora.
- Improve your mood.
- Break down allergy causing proteins.
- Accelerate your fat loss.

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.


  1. I have been taking these and I been regular in #2 every day.

  2. I need to try this. I am not very regular.

  3. I hear that these could be good for those with lactose intolerance. I may have to give them a try! Thanks for the information!

  4. What an awesome review!! I am so interested and totally want to try these!

  5. I really want to try probiotics. You have me convinced.

  6. I haven't tried taking probiotics yet but I've heard a lot about it.

  7. I've heard that for people who suffer from Lactose Intolerance this would help. I' going to buy some for my husband, thanks for the great review.

  8. This sounds like it would help me thanks for letting me know
