
Thursday, May 15, 2014

Review: Rainbow Bandz Organiziation Box

Disclosure: I got this product as part of an advertorial.

Boy, did we ever need one of these organizational boxes for all my daughters rainbow bandz. She was using an old plastic containers to put her bandz in before, but they were all messed up and you couldn't really tell how much you had of a particular color or not. With this Rainbow Bandz Organization Box, everything is neat and easy to see. I was really happy we got the box as well, since I knew I was going to be reviewing the Rainbow Bandz Refill Set of 4500 bandz. Where would we put there all? Now, we have a place!

This top picture you can see what the box looks like filled.

This picture is of the organization box right after I took it out of the packaging.

Description from Rainbow Bandz

The Rainbow Bandz Organiziation Box is a clear plastic organizer case for rainbow loom and rubber bands with adjustable compartments. It has plenty of room to fit the rainbow loom kit and other connectors.

Each compartment is 2 inches wide x 1.9 inches deep and is 13 1/2 inches long in maximum.

This is a picture of my daughter filling up her Rainbow Bandz Organization Box with the Rainbow Bandz Refill Set. My daughter was so excited to have this box to put all her bands in because it makes it so much easier to get to work creating bandz projects.

We were able to fit all 9 colors from the refill set in the organization box. If you look at the section with the pink bands you can see where we are storing the other dividers. There are enough dividers so that you can make the whole box be separate compartments like the purple ones. So, as my daughter uses these bandz up, we will put the dividers for when I buy her other bandz.

This would make a GREAT GIFT IDEA!! It's only $9.99 on Amazon. This would be a great to give with a refill bandz kit too!

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.


  1. My kiddo is just getting into this and this case would be so handy!

  2. I LOVE things like this that keeps everything nice, neat, and easy to work with. You can also use this organizational box for storing other craft supplies as well.

  3. If I get my daughter a Rainbow Loom set I definitly want to get this because I don't want bands all over the place.

  4. Omg that's just amazing. . Our house really needs one of those.

  5. What a great idea. I can see that the Rainbow Bandz could be a complete mess in no time at aly.

  6. This box is great for storing all those little bands. That way my vaccuum does not get them like the Legos

  7. I got my daughter a box almost like this, only all of the compartments were squares. Which means that she is constantly losing all of her hooks. I'm tempted to get this one for her since the hooks fit & then she can have a million more rubber bands too.

  8. This looks like a good size box that is affordable so you could buy several to keep all the bands neat.
