
Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Review: SimplyBeautiful Double Edge Safety Razor

Disclosure: I got this product as part of an advertorial.

I like to include my family in helping me with reviews whenever I can because it is fun for them to try new things out too and give their opinions. This time it was my husband's turn to help participate in review this SimplyBeautiful Double Edge Safety Razor.

I will share some thoughts from my husband's experience with this razor. He has never used one like this before and since it is very different from disposable razors and electric razor. If this is your first time using a safety razor, it is very helpful to watch some youtube videos to see how it is done, so that you don't hurt yourself trying to figure it out. The first couple times it may take you longer to shave that before just because you are new to the technique, but after that you will have it figured out and can shave just as fast. He said the biggest benefit is that he gets a deeper shave and so it takes longer for the hair to grow back. My husband is not one who likes to shave every day, so if he can have a nice close shave one day and have barely any stubble the next day and then on the third he can have that scruffy look. Because he likes those looks he only has to shave a couple times a week. All-in-all is he quite happy with his new razor. It works well.

Product Description from SimplyBeautiful

Experience the quality, closeness, and smoothness of a double edge safety razor. This high quality, solid stainless steel with chrome finish safety razor is one of the trendiest, most beautiful razors we have ever seen. Shaving enthusiasts all around the world are using safety razors to discover a better shave, and experience it at a much lower price! Forget about paying $2-3 per cartridge, and instead pay $.15-20 per blade and get a better shave! Wet shaving, as it is known, is becoming more and more popular and hundreds of thousands of people in the USA have converted. Both men and women are experiencing a better shave.

Our SimplyBeautiful razor is one of the most solid razors we have ever encountered. Features a long handle for easy use, and comes packaged in a beautiful gift box with 5 free Derby razor blades.

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.


  1. I'm looking for a new razor for my husband for Father's Day so I appreciate this helpful review.

  2. I wonder if my husband would like this. The kind he likes, I can't find in the store anymore. I'll have to bookmark your post for him! :)

  3. I will have to check this out for my hubby!

  4. That is really cool. I think my husband would like one of those.

    Michelle F.

  5. and looks so much gentler... :D

  6. I bet this would work really nice for a nice occasion as well, since you said that it has a really nice, close shave. I might have to keep it in mind the next time my husband has something he needs to look really nice for! Thanks!

  7. I bet this would work really nice for a nice occasion as well, since you said that it has a really nice, close shave. I might have to keep it in mind the next time my husband has something he needs to look really nice for! Thanks!

  8. My husband is super picky. No matter what we try he always goes back to a 4 blade.
