
Thursday, August 7, 2014

Review: iGotTech Magnetic Screen Door

I was very interested to see how the iGotTech Magnetic Screen exactly worked because I had previously bought a different brand of screen and it was just not worth the money I paid for it because it wouldn't stay up at all. I was very happy that the iGotTech Magnetic Screen was nothing at all like that previously purchased one. 

Here is a view of the iGotTech Magnetic Screen Door from my porch looking in to my house. In the center you can see that wide black band and that is the 2 strips of magnets behind fabric. They are quite strong and hold the flaps together nicely and run up and down the entire length of the door flaps.

The only issue I came up with is that I have a metal door and if I am walking in and the screen door flaps inward it can stick to my metal door, leaving it open to insects or for pets to get out, but only on the bottom, where it hit the door, the rest was still sealed with the magnetic strips together.

Here is my daughter coming out of the iGotTech Magnetic Screen Door. It is easy enough to figure out how to open. I watched one of my cats (the one that like to try to sneak out) at the screen door trying to figure it out. She couldn't lift up the bottom of the screen, but she was pawing at it and trying to poke her nose through the center held together by magnets. She has not gotten out, but I will have to keep an eye on her, luckily I can see the front door from "my chair".

Here is a view looking from the inside of the house to the outside. It doesn't obstruct your view at and lets in filtered light. 

It was easy to install and you can view the video below. It would work easiest to install with a partner, but it is certainly do-able with one person which is how we did it.

Overall I am very happy with it and glad we have it to use. We had been using a baby gate at the front door so that I can keep the door open and let in a breeze but keep in the cats, but that also let in insects and this keeps them out and is easier for everyone to come and go through.

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.


  1. Looks like the one we have. We love it!

  2. I have never heard or seen one of these magnetic screen doors. I might like it for a green room.
