
Monday, October 13, 2014

Make It Monday: Freezer Breakfast Burritos

At the start of the school year I thought I would go ahead and make a bunch of Paleo Freezer Meals, as well as a bunch of freezer meals so that the kids could have a hot breakfast every morning but no one has to get up any earlier to either make it or enjoy it. I am going to share a few items I made over upcoming Mondays and then do a Breakfast Freezer Meals Round Up, because just like the Paleo Freezer Meals I did them all at the same time. In fact, I make both the Breakfast Freezer Meals and Paleo Freezer Meals on the same night (my freezer is well stocked, but is quickly diminishing.)

I bought all my ingredients at Aldi's (eggs were 79c a dozen at the time) and I figure it costs about 55-60c a burrito, whereas they sold premade breakfast burritoes there in a box of 4 for $4.

Freezer Breakfast Burritos

2 Tbsp butter
1/3 cup chopped green onion
18 eggs
1/2 cup milk
1 cup chopped ham
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon pepper
16 oz shredded cheddar cheese
20 large flour tortillas


  • Saute onion until soft and lightly browned in a large frying pan.
  • Beat together eggs, salt, pepper and milk and add to the frying pan and cook until eggs are done. 
  • Stir in ham until is ham is warmed through.
  • Allow egg mixture to cool slightly before stuffing burritos.
  • Scoop 1/3-1/2 C of egg mixture on to each tortillas. You will divide this among 20 tortillas.
  • Top with cheese.
  • Fold in ends and roll up burrito.
  • Wrap in foil or wrap and store in a gallon freezer bag.
Microwave Instructions
  • Take out 1 burritos and wrap a paper towel around it.
  • Heat for 1-2 minutes, you will have to test this out with your microwave. Ours take 1 1/2 minutes to cook.
  • Top with salsa and sour cream, both optional of course.


  1. Breakfast burritos are our favorite! We love to make them really any time of day--not even just for breakfast!

    Thanks for sharing!

  2. Great idea freezing them so it takes no time in the morning. My kids would love these!

  3. I love breakfast burritos! Thanks for the freezing tip, it is such a great time saver.

  4. We love breakfast burritos and I never thought to freeze them!

  5. We eat breakfast burritos once or twice a week - I've been meaning to do this!
