
Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Happy Thanksgeometry with a Tangram Turkey

This is a project I did with my daughter's 3rd grade class. I go in and volunteer a couple hours every week in her classroom and usually I am just helping out wherever the teacher needs me, but I get to plan a project each month to do with them. I have been trying to plan things that are also educational and fun, so this was the project for November.

I just used foam sheets from the Dollar Tree and cut them in to a variety of shapes. I talked to the kids about developing a pattern and design, but let them come up with their own projects. This one is mine. :)

This picture you can see what it looks like as a whole piece. I should of taken a picture of my daughter's before I left the classroom, as it hasn't come home from school yet because she said they hung them up in the classroom. The kids really seemed to enjoy this project.

This one is my preschool son's version pf the Tangram Turkey.


  1. These are a great, what a fabulous activity! I love the use of bold colours and the fact that the kids can just have at it and create what they want. Good job!

  2. very cute and great activity! very colorful!

  3. This is super cute. Thank you for sharing this cute idea.

  4. What a fun idea :) my daughter is too young for it, but I know I would have liked it as a kid!
