
Thursday, November 20, 2014

Review: Gummy Vitamins

My Thoughts

I try to give my children balanced meals throughout the day, but sometimes we are less than balanced or are trying to give us a little more support during cold and flu season. I wanted to give these Nutrabear Vitamin B12 + Multivitamin Gummy Bears a try too see if they help provide my children with a bit more energy to get through their extracurricular activities at the end of the day. I know I like to take a B-complex to help boost my energy on days that need it or if I have an evening workout ahead of me.

These are great gummy vitamins. They are quite chewable and soft, which I like because other gummies we have tried can get hard and stick your teeth, these do not do that. Both the kids and myself enjoy these. The kids like them for the obvious reasons, they are tasty and are cute little bears. I like them because some times regular vitamins can give me an upset stomach  if I am trying to supplement before a run but don't want to eat a lot. This vitamin headlines with B12, which is provides 150% DV for children 4+, but it also has 150% DV (for ages 4+) for B6 and Vitamin D, plus also includes 10 other vitamins and minerals besides the 3 I named. I was very interested to see coconut oil and carnauba wax on the ingredient list.

Product Description from Nutrabear

This is the world's first Vitamin B12 gummy bear! Perfect for vegetarians looking to supplement their B12.

✔ Get your daily Vitamin B12 intake from 3 gummy bears. Easier to consume than chewable tablets, these yummy treats are perfect for kids and adults.
✔ 100% Gluten Free and Gelatin Free. No artificial flavors.
✔ Perfect for supplementing a vegetarian diet. Each ingredient is carefully chosen to help promote a healthy mind and body.
✔ Includes 9 other essential nutrients: Vitamins A, C, D, E, Pantothenic Acid, B6, B9, Zinc, Choline.
✔ Avoid a b12 deficiency. B12 deficiencies are common among vegetarians and vegans. Mild B12 deficiencies can result in low energy and poor mental performance. Severe deficiencies can result in permanent damage.

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

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