
Thursday, November 13, 2014

Thrifty Thursday: Learn to Loom Knit & the "REALLY BIG" Chunky Cowl

Sometimes it is more economical to knit a handmade gift than to buy one, sometimes it isn't. Honestly, a handmade knit gift is about the time you put in to the gift and thinking about the person that you are making it for when you choose your yarn and spend you time making it. Of course, you can probably get machine knit items in stores for cheaper in some cases, but you lose the personalization and thoughts of the person while you create it.

If you pay attention to sales in advance, you can buy the yarn you want for much cheaper. If you don't have your yarn in advance for a discount, don't forget about getting coupons from Michael's or JoAnn's to get one regular priced item at a discount (usually 30-40%). You can download their apps on your phone and have their coupons available at your fingertips.

To make this I used the largest (yellow) Knifty Knitter round loom and knit using a basic e-wrap stitch (video) until I used an entire skein of Bernat "Really Big" yarn. I kind of wish I had bought 2 skeins of it because I would have like to make it even taller. It does knit of tight and looks nice.

I added a fun little pin to the cowl to add some interest. It took maybe an hour to make this cowl because the yarn is so thick. It is a very quick project.


  1. That is so pretty. My daughter wears scarves to work and would love this.

  2. This is so cool! I have a friend that makes scarves like this - makes me wish I knew how to knit :)

  3. This is a cute scarf. I wish that I knew how to knit.
