
Thursday, December 18, 2014

Hand Print Manger with Baby Jesus Craft Project

Every year my kids make a new ornaments for a variety of trees, including their grandparents, godparent, parents and their own little trees.

This is the one that my son made this year. He's getting close to growing out of doing hand print crafts, but I am going to do them while I can to keep remembering those little hands. It won't be long until they are big hands.

I even did this project as the craft project I did this month with his classroom and their ornaments were added to the Christmas tree that is for all the preschool classes and for the church congregation to see.

As you can see on the left, I drew a bunch of swaddled Baby Jesus'  that the kids cut out and colored.


  1. The homemade ones are the best. I love looking at the ones my older kids made when the tree is up.

  2. This is so adorable and will make such a wonderful keepsake! Will be borrowing this!

  3. That's so sweet! Wonderful idea, and hang onto it, because before you know it the kids will be teens and you will treasure this :)

  4. Awww... this makes me miss having little ones to do these kind of crafts with. Very cute!

  5. That is super cute! Definitely something we're going to do when the kids go on break.

  6. Very cute. I was looking for something simple for the children to make this year for the grandparents. Still have time to do this. Thanks
