
Monday, December 8, 2014

#LeapTV "Leap Into Gaming" LeapTV Review

Are you looking to get your kids a "HOT TOY" this year? Than look no further than the LeapTV by LeapFrog. This is one of this holiday season's hottest toys. LeapTV is an interactive video games system geared towards ages 4-9. What makes the LeapTV system different from other video game systems is that these games not only encourage movement but they also foster learning academic skills like mathematics, reading, science, problem solving and life skills. 

I have kids that fit right in to the age group for this system at ages 5 and 8, although some games are definitely geared more towards preschooler. Be sure to check the ages listed on each games to determine if the would be the right fit for your children or the children you are buying for. 

I did need to play the games with my son a couple times so he could figure out just how the remote worked and get the hang of it all. Once he knew what he needed to do to use the control on a few games he could easily figure out how to use it on other games and show it to friends.

We played this at my son's birthday party so that we could share it with friends. Of course I got them when they were playing a game where they weren't jumping around like they were in many other games. My kids have already picked out a couple games they would love to have besides they one we were sent and they are the Kart Racing and the Jake and the Neverland Pirates Game.

We were sent the system and 2 gamed to try out. The games we were sent were Dance and Learn and Sports. All games currently cost $29.99, but I have seen them on sale at Target recently. Or you can buy them from and if you are buying the system as well, be sure to check out the bundle packages so that you can save some money. Check out the video below of my little dino pan doing the Dino Dance on the LeapTV Dance n'Freeze.

Find more information about LeapFrog Online:
 @LeapFrog on Twitter
@LeapFrogOfficial on Instagram

@LeapFrog on Facebook

I was sent the above products for the purpose of review. All thoughts and opinions are my own. No monetary compensation was received.


  1. I would love to have this system for my youngest son.

  2. So interesting this would be awesome for the kids!
