
Thursday, January 22, 2015

Cheap Dance Party Fun with Glow Sticks #ad

My Thoughts:

We have plans to use these Super Bright glow sticks for 3 items since there are 100 glow sticks in this containers.

That is quite a bit! Usually I buy them at the dollar store, so the price on these is a just bit more but I can have the delivered right to my house and not have to spend any more money (I never can seem to get out of there without spending $20+) there. You can buy them on Amazon.

One thing we did with them is tape one glow stick to each blade of a ceiling fan at night and turn it on. It's pretty cool and the kids that it was a fun dance party. I just thought it was cheap fun to get them moving around before bedtime. You can see by the picture and the short video that is pretty cool looking!

The next is for my 3rd grader's science fair project and how the chemical reaction occurring react to a change in temperature. By doing this experiment I can tell you that we did determine that there will be glow for about 15 hours when left at room temperature. It does fade over time and is brightest the first few hours. They do still continue to glow pretty bright after that but because we were doing a science experiment we were comparing against a newly "cracked" glow stick each time check, so we were able to see the differences in brightness at each time check. We even reserved about a dozen so that she could pass out when she is standing in front of her tri-fold display at the classes come around to look at ask questions. Wish her luck! I will share more about this after she presents it at the end of February (she signed up and did the experiment right away, now the writing and display work begins!)

The other thing we plan to use them for is to attach to valentines. I will share that with you next week! I like the idea of giving kids something that isn't candy for a Valentine token. I did make special homemade valentines that correlate with a glow stick.

Product Description from Super Bright

  • The best quality - Long lasting - Super Bright - Durable
  • Create super bright glowing bracelets, necklaces, glasses and more!
  • Includes 100 units - 8" long premium quality glow bracelets
  • Fresh from the factory- Ultra bright and long lasting!
  • Non-toxic and CPSIA Compliant - Premium Quaility

I was given the above product for the purpose of review. All thoughts, opinions, photographs and video belong to this blog. No monetary compensation was received.


  1. Glow sticks in the valentines are a great idea. I have some and will do this.

  2. That's cool!! I just pray that they would stay attached. Might have to try this one! :)
