
Friday, February 20, 2015

Pottery Dinosaur Figurine

I am pretty proud to say that my 5 year old son made this dinosaur, pretty much on his own with minimal help from me. He needed a little help with blending pieces he attached. But he did all the shaping himself and scratching and slipping. He did a good job. I am always amazed at what he picks up when I take him to the Art Center to create. When he first asked me "Where's that glue I need to put these pieces together", I really knew he was take it at all in and understanding the process. He is becoming an avid little potter since he still has afternoons with me during this year of preschool.

I think he needs to make his T-Rex sculpture a friend next. Maybe a Triceratops or a Stegosaurus.


  1. Awesome! I couldn't make something like that, so I'd say your 5 yr old is very talented!

  2. Wow! Looks great! You've got an artist in the making. :)

  3. Now that is cute. Talent is good.

  4. This is really awesome! I would like to do this with my boys when they get a little bigger. It is so much fun!

  5. He did such a great job! I would say you have an artist on your hand here. My daughter would love to have this dinosaur!

  6. That is awesome! I don't think i would have done that well!
