
Tuesday, March 31, 2015

DIY Dino Dig

No need to spend a lot of money on dinosaur dig kits when you can make your own at home using the dinosaurs your child already owns, a plastic container from the recycling bin, some water and plaster of paris.

Here you can see all of my supplies. I had my son pick out some small dinosaurs that he wanted to dig out. I bought this huge bag at Lowe's (25 pounds) for about the same price (actually it might have been a little cheaper) than the 2 pounds bucket that is marketed towards kids crafts. In my experience working with the 2 types of plaster, this is a stronger plaster too.

There are instructions on the bag, but basically it is 3 parts plaster to 1 part water. I used a container from a ramen meal and ended up mixing together 3 C of plaster and 1 C of water to fill the container to this level.

Just mix up to get the consistency you desire and the plaster is smooth. Thicker plaster will dry quicker.

Put it aside and let it dry. How long it takes to dry depends upon how thick you made it, your air humidity level, and how thin you make the mixture. For mine I took it out of the mold in a couple hours and then let it finish drying on a paper plate.

I am thinking I am going to start saving some containers and make some of these up for a Dinosaur Birthday Party for my son.


  1. How fun!!! I remember doing this at a museum with my son when he was younger and he loved it!! Might do it with his allowance now that he's older!! :)

  2. This is a great idea. You could also bury stuff in a sandbox too.

  3. My son got something like this for his birthday one year. This is really a lot of fun. Thanks for sharing!
